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Quartz Crystal Tuning Fork

Double Head Crystal tuning fork

230,00 $

Double Head Crystal tuning fork correspond to the Undersea Chakra, Self Chakra, Sun Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and Eyebrow Chakra. Each tuning fork is made of 99.99% pure quartz crystal and is calibrated to resonate with the chakra system. These tuning forks are of the highest quality and have a powerful, long-lasting resonance effect.

The crystalline nature of the tuning forks allows the practitioner to apply the properties of the quartz crystals to a sound healing method or approach. Many people believe that information from the environment is stored in crystals and gemstones and is purified and cleansed through their unique properties. It is a common natural phenomenon for people to develop a relationship with crystals and gemstones. Due to the crystalline nature of this tool, many deep natural resonances can be applied to sound healing through intention, visualization and consistent practice.

Choosing a chakra tuning fork is an excellent choice for accessing sound healing benefits, and when used in conjunction with yoga, pranayama, and meditation, becomes a very powerful method of sound healing for yourself and others, as well as providing opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Sitting in a meditative position while using a tuning fork provides a powerful opportunity to heal ourselves and others as healing energy can be directed inward and outward through our intentions, visualizations and the guidance of the heart chakra. This is an invaluable experience for Reiki healers and distance healers.

Each major area of the body contains nerve bundles associated with the chakra system. When the nerve bundles are healthy, life force impulses are transmitted to each area. Yoga, pranayama, stretching and chiropractic are often very effective forms of healing because they restore healthy nerve function and allow all of our cells and organs to receive a healthy flow of life energy. Sound therapy is also very gentle and very effective as we stimulate every area of the body, clearing stagnant energy, auras, etc. Giving yourself the opportunity to heal in every possible way.

Taihe District, Jinzhou City
Liaoning, China

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